typographical nitpicks (writing of procedure names) Robert Klein (27 Oct 2018 10:16 UTC)
Re: typographical nitpicks (writing of procedure names) Arthur A. Gleckler (27 Oct 2018 14:30 UTC)

typographical nitpicks (writing of procedure names) Robert Klein 27 Oct 2018 10:15 UTC


there are some typographical nitpicks in the procedures section.  In
some cases procedure names are in upper case, while by and large
procedure names are in lower case throughout SRFI 1:

- procedure fine-tail

  “Find-tail” at the beginning of a sentence instead of
  “find-tail” (twice))

- procedures take-while, take-while!

  “Take-while!” at the beginning of a sentence instead of “take-while!”

- procedures span, span!, break, break!

  “Span” at the beginning of a sentence instead of “span” (twice)

  “Break” at the beginning of a sentence instead of “break”

  “Span!” at the beginning of a sentence instead of “span1”

** srfi 133 (scheme vector)

In the status section Revision from 2016/9/2 “vectorfold” should be
inside <code>..</code> tags

In the procedures section, notation of [something]: The “Something” at
the beginning of the second sentence shold be in lower case.

Best regards