What to do with SRFI 103: Library Files? Derick Eddington (17 Sep 2010 04:02 UTC)
Re: What to do with SRFI 103: Library Files? R. Kent Dybvig (24 Sep 2010 22:00 UTC)
Re: What to do with SRFI 103: Library Files? Michael Sperber (06 Oct 2010 15:13 UTC)

What to do with SRFI 103: Library Files? Derick Eddington 17 Sep 2010 03:21 UTC

I think SRFI 103: Library Files should be finalized or withdrawn.  The
latest revision, 2010/05/24, is significantly refined and shorter
compared to the previous revisions.  It's at a state I'm content
with.  I'd like to ask people who are interested in it to tell me (at
its mailing list or email me) if you think it should be either
finalized or withdrawn.  In any case, I'm not able to spend time on it
anymore (I no longer have my own computer and my life is on a new
