SRFIs 103, 104 updated and extended David Van Horn 05 Mar 2010 00:59 UTC

SRFIs 103 and 104 have been updated and are now available here:

The draft period has been extended for one month.

The changes, summarized by the author are below.


A lot of clean-up and simplification of the documents, reference
implementation, and tests.

I think the new version is worthy of being finalized.

----- SRFI 103 -----

Remove implicit file name support.

Change character encoding design to encoding of code points.

Add section Dialects, Formats, and Extensions.

In Abstract section, say that it's for unixes and Windows.

Add #\; and #\~ to set of encoded characters.  Explain why particular
characters are encoded.  Say that the set might be changed by a new SRFI.

Say that systems may have mechanisms to use other files such as
pre-compiled files.

Say that systems may have mechanisms to ignore the environment variables
and mechanisms to reconfigure the sequences initialized from the
environment variables.

Specify environment-variable element separators.


----- SRFI 104 -----

Conform to new version of SRFI 103.

Rename: search-paths               to  searched-directories
	extensions                 to  recognized-extensions
	path-separator             to  file-name-component-separator
	search-paths-from-env-var  to  directories-from-env-var
	library-name->path         to  library-name->file-name
	library-file-path-info     to  library-file-name-info
	find-library-file-paths    to  find-library-file-names

Change file-name-component-separator to allow only #\/ and #\\.

Change directories-from-env-var and extensions-from-env-var to return #F
if the environment variable is not defined.

Change library-file-name-info so that any extensions are valid
regardless of recognized-extensions, and change it to return two values
instead of an A-list.

Change find-library-file-names to return #F if no matches are found.

Remove join-and-flatten.

Change the tar-ball to have srfi/%3A%104 directory structure so that it
can be simply un-tar-ed in a searched directory and be immediately ready
to use.  Include (srfi :104) alias library in the tar-ball.
