Re: SRFI-109 (string quasi-literals) candidate John Cowan 26 Mar 2013 11:07 UTC

Per Bothner scripsit:


Under "Enclosed (unquoted) expressions" the statement that & is used
for two different purposes is just confusing: it's used for *many*
different purposes.

Under "Template processing" the reference to curly braces should be to
square brackets.

Under "Indentation and line-endings", there is no definition of what it
means for a newline to be normalized.

Under "Special characters" the text reads "Only the characters , , and
'&'", which is a result of missing >s on the first two "code" start-tags.

I think the user-defined end-token should be made first-class, using
the "}END-TEXT!" syntax, unless there is a demonstrable problem with
processing it.

Since you define a preferred style for tagnames, you should include the
restriction that the letters and digits should be ASCII in the preferred
style, not arbitrary Unicode.  Personally, I'd make this style the
required style, not just preferred; it will help with portability.

John Cowan
O beautiful for patriot's dream that sees beyond the years
Thine alabaster cities gleam undimmed by human tears!
America! America!  God mend thine every flaw,
Confirm thy soul in self-control, thy liberty in law!
        --one of the verses not usually taught in U.S. schools