The ". $" notation (was: Re: how useful are collecting lists?) Alan Manuel Gloria (18 Mar 2013 01:26 UTC)
Re: The ". $" notation Shiro Kawai (18 Mar 2013 02:42 UTC)
Re: The ". $" notation Alan Manuel Gloria (18 Mar 2013 02:44 UTC)
Re: The ". $" notation Shiro Kawai (18 Mar 2013 04:45 UTC)
Re: The ". $" notation David A. Wheeler (18 Mar 2013 16:25 UTC)
Re: The ". $" notation Alan Manuel Gloria (19 Mar 2013 00:17 UTC)
Re: The ". $" notation David A. Wheeler (19 Mar 2013 03:28 UTC)
Re: The ". $" notation Alan Manuel Gloria (19 Mar 2013 05:52 UTC)
Re: The ". $" notation David A. Wheeler (19 Mar 2013 10:44 UTC)
Handling scomments after "." David A. Wheeler (19 Mar 2013 03:41 UTC)
Re: Handling scomments after "." David A. Wheeler (19 Mar 2013 04:12 UTC)

Re: The ". $" notation Alan Manuel Gloria 18 Mar 2013 02:44 UTC

On 3/18/13, Shiro Kawai <> wrote:
> From: Alan Manuel Gloria <>
> Subject: The ". $" notation (was: Re: how useful are collecting lists?)
> Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 09:26:04 +0800
>> 1.  Allow "foo . EOL INDENT x ..." ==> "(foo . (x ...))"
>> 2.  Allow "foo . $ x ..." ==> "(foo x ...)"
> Is the latter "foo . $ x y ..." ==> "(foo x y ...)"?
> Because "$" is a valid R5RS identifier, we need to
> parse "foo . $ EOL" as a cons of 'foo and '$, correct?
> I'm a bit concerned that it might be confusing that:
>    foo . ($ a b c)
> is
>    foo .
>      $ a b c

Uhm, no.

"$" has a different meaning in an indentation context vs. a
non-indentation context.

Inside () [] {}, it is *not* in indentation context and thus "$" is
the symbol (string->symbol "$")

Outside of *explicit* () [] {}, $ means SUBLIST, which has a specific
semantic meaning.  See:


  foo . ($ a b c) ==> (foo . ($ a b c)) ==> (foo $ a b c)


  foo .
    $ a b c
   foo .
     ((a b c))
   (foo .
     ((a b c)))
     (a b c))

If what you mean is:

  foo . ($ a b c)


  foo .
    ($ a b c)

Then indentation rules (specifically the "single datum on a line is
that datum" rule) make them identical.

  foo .
    ($ a b c)
  (foo .
    ($ a b c))
  (foo $ a b c)

If you want to have "$" consistently in either an indentation or in
non-indentation contexts, then use {$} instead:

foo . {$} ==> (foo . $)
(foo . {$}) ==> (foo . $)

> but
>    foo . $ $ a b c
> (The two '$' has different meanings!)

*shrug* yes.

Basically in an indentation context the first SUBLIST re-enters
it_expr production.  it_expr can start with SUBLIST, which re-enters
it_expr and wraps its result in a single-item list, and the outer
SUBLIST then appends it as a single item to the outer list.

Assuming that "." is at first a symbol which a subsequent pass then
converts to the conventional meaning, then:

  foo . $ $ a b c

On reaching the first SUBLIST, the parser has collected (foo |.|) as
the initial "head" production's value.  The parser consumes that
SUBLIST (leaving "$ a b c") in the input stream, and re-enters

it_expr can start with SUBLIST (consuming the remaining $ and leaving
"a b c" in the input stream), and re-enters it_expr again.  it_expr
then yields the value (a b c).  Its next outermost call (the one
triggered by the second SUBLIST) wraps a layer of list, yielding ((a b

The next outermost call (the one triggered by the first SUBLIST)
appends the yielded value as a single item (i.e. an "append1" or
"snoc"), so yielding (foo |.| ((a b c)))

Assuming that (foo |.| ((a b c))) is then processed to (foo . ((a b
c))), then we get (foo (a b c)).

And incidentally, thus:

  foo $ a b c ==> (foo (a b c))

while, as shown above:

  foo . $ $ a b c ==> (foo (a b c))

So both SUBLIST's have the same meaning, while basically a "." cancels
out a subsequent "$".
