Finalizing SRFI 113 John Cowan (27 Nov 2014 22:56 UTC)
Re: Finalizing SRFI 113 Takeshi Abe (28 Nov 2014 01:13 UTC)

Re: Finalizing SRFI 113 Takeshi Abe 28 Nov 2014 00:56 UTC


On Thu, 27 Nov 2014 17:56:45 -0500, John Cowan <> wrote:
> There is a new version of SRFI 113, Sets and Bags, at my staging site:
> <>.  This implements some
> of the corrections from the Last^3 call that for whatever reason didn't
> make it in to the last published version, notably the exclusion of
> Cartesian product and powerset.
Seems a missing "set1" in the first example, i.e.,
(let* ((set1 (set 'a 'b 'c))      ; set1 = {a,b,c}.
       (set2 (set-adjoin! 'd)))   ; Add d to {a,b,c}.
  set1) ; Could be either {a,b,c} or {a,b,c,d}.
should be:
(let* ((set1 (set 'a 'b 'c))      ; set1 = {a,b,c}.
       (set2 (set-adjoin! set1 'd)))   ; Add d to {a,b,c}.
  set1) ; Could be either {a,b,c} or {a,b,c,d}.

-- Takeshi Abe