On Sun, May 25, 2014 at 4:08 AM, John Cowan <xxxxxx@mercury.ccil.org> wrote:
Alex Shinn scripsit:

> http://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-15/srfi-15.html

I didn't know `fluid-let` had anything to do with regular expressions!

> If there are no further issues I'll move to
> finalize this.

Minor typos:  s/substition/substitution/; "an sre", "an regex";
s/interspered/interspersed/; s/encloding/encoding/; s/Alway/Always/;
s/kleene/Kleene/; s/bactracking/backtracking/.

Definition of `regexp`: s/Compile/Compiles/

Similarly in `regex-{extract,split,partition}`:  s/Extract/Extracts/;
s/Split/Splits/; s/Partition/Partitions/.

In `regexp-fold`, I think formatting (kons i regexp-match str acc)
as a displayed equation hurts readability.

Thanks, I'll apply all of these.

Maybe `regex-replace` should accept an optional integer argument
indicating which occurrence in the main string to replace.

It seems clumsy, and you can always achieve the same thing
by explicitly representing the count in the regexp, but it's
backwards-compatible and other APIs typically offer this.  If
there are no other comments on this I'll add it.
