Which SRFI 130 implementation files are relevant? Lassi Kortela (01 Feb 2020 17:14 UTC)
Re: Which SRFI 130 implementation files are relevant? Arthur A. Gleckler (01 Feb 2020 19:40 UTC)
Re: Which SRFI 130 implementation files are relevant? Arthur A. Gleckler (02 Mar 2020 23:15 UTC)
Re: Which SRFI 130 implementation files are relevant? John Cowan (02 Mar 2020 23:54 UTC)
Re: Which SRFI 130 implementation files are relevant? Arthur A. Gleckler (02 Mar 2020 23:58 UTC)

Which SRFI 130 implementation files are relevant? Lassi Kortela 01 Feb 2020 17:14 UTC

Could we clearly label the implementation files in the SRFI 130 repo,
and possibly remove files that are no longer relevant?

There are three different directories, each of which looks like a
self-contained implementation in its own right:

- foof     directory and its compressed copy foof.tar.gz
- srfi-130 directory and its compressed copy srfi-130.tar.gz
- srfi     directory, no compressed copy

srfi-130-test.scm in the root directory seems like the only test suite
so I assume it covers all sample implementations.

Here's the full tree:

|-- README.org
|-- foof
|   |-- 130.sld
|   |-- foof-impl.scm
|   |-- foof-shim.scm
|   |-- foof-string.scm
|   |-- r7rs-shim.scm
|   `-- srfi-130.scm
|-- foof.tar.gz
|-- index.html
|-- srfi
|   |-- 130.body.scm
|   `-- 130.sld
|-- srfi-130
|   |-- 130.sld
|   |-- macros.scm
|   |-- portable.scm
|   `-- srfi-130.scm
|-- srfi-130-test.scm
|-- srfi-130.html
`-- srfi-130.tar.gz