minor error in srfi-152.sld William D Clinger (27 Jul 2017 22:07 UTC)
more corrections for srfi-152.sld and chibi-test.scm William D Clinger (28 Jul 2017 00:22 UTC)
Re: more corrections for srfi-152.sld and chibi-test.scm William D Clinger (28 Jul 2017 15:50 UTC)
Re: more corrections for srfi-152.sld and chibi-test.scm Arthur A. Gleckler (28 Jul 2017 22:02 UTC)

more corrections for srfi-152.sld and chibi-test.scm William D Clinger 28 Jul 2017 00:22 UTC

In srfi-152.sld, the definitions of


aren't right.  The first two ignore their one argument, and none
of the four accept the optional arguments specified by SRFI 152.

The chibi-test.scm file contains three incorrect tests:

(test "substring" "cde" (substring "abcde" 2))

(test "string-replicate" "cdefab"
       (string-replicate "abcdef" 2))
(test "string-replicate" "efabcd"
       (string-replicate "abcdef" -2))

As specified by SRFI 152, substring takes exactly three arguments,
and string-replicate requires at least three arguments.
