Re: Please rename TRY to something else Richard Kelsey 15 Aug 2002 01:50 UTC

   Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2002 19:08:54 +0100
   From: Tony Garnock-Jones <>

   Of course, CATCH and THROW already have heavy historical baggage. I've
   just googled for CATCH in particular, and it conflicts with guile,
   kawa, and rep, at least...

   OTOH, "try" conflicts with Bigloo, and try-catch with kawa; try/catch
   doesn't seem to be used by anyone google can find in half a minute...

But when I see 'try/catch' I have no idea what it is supposed
to do.  If the only conflict for "try" is Bigloo I am inclined
stick with with it.  Because of the different arities there is
no technical problem with implementing both.  It might cause
some minor confusion for an occational Bigloo user, but the
alternatives have the potential for confusing everyone.
