Compatibility with other SRFIs Darren Bane (24 Jul 2002 12:48 UTC)
Re: Compatibility with other SRFIs sperber@xxxxxx (24 Jul 2002 13:00 UTC)
Re: Compatibility with other SRFIs Matthias Felleisen (24 Jul 2002 13:30 UTC)
Re: Compatibility with other SRFIs sperber@xxxxxx (24 Jul 2002 14:25 UTC)

Compatibility with other SRFIs Darren Bane 24 Jul 2002 12:48 UTC

Although I wouldn't like to see a dependency on other SRFIs, I think a
section treating compatibility with them would be useful.  Perhaps
something like the following after the "Standard Conditions" section?

--begin suggested section----------
Compatibility with other SRFIs:
SRFI-18, SRFI-21 and SRFI-23 define some standard conditions.  If a
Scheme implementation provides these SRFIs, it should use the following

For SRFI-18 and SRFI-21:
   (define-condition-type &join-timeout &condition
   (define-condition-type &abandoned-mutex &serious
   (define-condition-type &terminated-thread &condition
   (define-condition-type &uncaught &serious
     (reason uncaught-exception-reason))

For SRFI-23:
   (define-condition-type &srfi-23-error &error
     (reason srfi-23-error-reason)
     (args srfi-23-error-args))
   (define (make-error-exception r a)
     (make-condition &srfi-23-error reason r args a))
   (define (error reason . args)
     (raise (make-error-exception reason args))
--end suggested section----------
Darren Bane
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