Ellipsis in the _pattern_ Taylor Campbell (10 Oct 2003 20:16 UTC)
Re: Ellipsis in the _pattern_ bear (11 Oct 2003 00:53 UTC)
Re: Ellipsis in the _pattern_ Taylor Campbell (11 Oct 2003 15:17 UTC)
Re: Ellipsis in the _pattern_ bear (11 Oct 2003 18:08 UTC)

Re: Ellipsis in the _pattern_ Taylor Campbell 11 Oct 2003 15:16 UTC

On Friday, Oct 10, 2003, at 20:53 US/Eastern, bear wrote:

> It would certainly be possible to do it using an additional identifier;
> An "obvious" choice, which is a legal identifier according to R5RS,
> would be :::  .

I like this one.  What do some other people think?

>                  Other "obvious" choices which are legal identifiers
> include <...> or /.../ .  The first of those two is particularly tasty
> because it allows a general "nested" syntax; you could use
> <<...>>, <<<...>>>, etc, for more layers of nesting.

I don't like the angle bracket idea.  Not only would the 'nested' stuff
additional unnecessary syntax, but I don't see a reason why you'd need
nest it at all: it's not like if you put it in the template it would
generate anything weird if you didn't use <<...>> etc.

> One thing to remember though, is that an ellipsis matches anything
> in the code it's matching against -- including another ellipsis.
> So there may actually be no issue here.

I'm not sure what you mean here.  Could you please elaborate?

> 				Bear