Corrected version, performance, withdrawal? Andre van Tonder (03 Apr 2004 01:20 UTC)
Re: Corrected version, performance, withdrawal? Per Bothner (03 Apr 2004 09:29 UTC)

Corrected version, performance, withdrawal? Andre van Tonder 03 Apr 2004 01:20 UTC

I have discovered and corrected some serious scoping and unintentional
capture bugs involving syntax-bind (previously syntax-do) bound
variables.  This involved rewriting the whole substitution
engine to make use of bound-indentifier=? equivalence instead of the
free-indentifier? equivalence that was used before.

The resulting code, with tests, is recorded below.  Note that I have *not
yet* made most of the modifications that came up in the discussions.

The resulting code runs so slowly as to be likely unusable in practice.
This is mainly due to the expense of testing for bound
identifier equivalence of symbols.  It can be very
dramatically sped up by cheating as follows:  On systems that provide
syntax-case just replace the corresponding macros below with:

(define-syntax bound=
  (lambda (stx)
    (syntax-case stx ()
      ((_ id b kt kf)
       (if (bound-identifier=? (syntax id) (syntax b))
           (syntax kt)
           (syntax kf))))))

(define-syntax symbol
  (lambda (stx)
    (syntax-case stx ()
      ((symbol x sk fk)
       (if (identifier? (syntax x))
           (syntax sk)
           (syntax fk))))))

However, this brings up the question of what this SRFI is for.  Originally
my intention was to provide a convenient portable library to make
"procedural" programming with SYNTAX-RULES easier (note that one of the
raisons d'etre of the SRFI process is indeed as a repository for *library*
proposals:  However, it is
becoming clear to me that such a library cannot be practically implemented
using just syntax-rules, due to problems with efficiency.  We therefore do
not have portability.  Since I find it unlikely that implementors will en
masse provide special support for yet another macro proposal, we are
therefore reduced to using elements from, e.g., an already
present SYNTAX-CASE implementation.

So we need something like SYNTAX-CASE to be already present.  In that case
one might as well just use SYNTAX-CASE and be done with it.
It should clear from the document that computation-rules reproduces (more or
less "up to isomorphism") a restricted fragment of SYNTAX-CASE and that the
style of macro programming described in the document can be easily done in

So unless the performance problem can be ameliorated, giving a practical
and truly portable implementation based on SYNTAX-RULES, there may be a
case for withdrawal.  Possible reasons for keeping it alive regardless
of current performance are its conceptual simplicity (this remains a pure
rewriting system, without the phase separation complexities of
syntax-case), and the possibility that future additions to SYNTAX-RULES
may enable a more efficient implementation (however, it seems more likely
that something like SYNTAX-CASE will become part of the standard).


Code below:

Caveat:  While this runs on Petite Chez and MzScheme (Solaris build 2.5),
there appears to
             be a bug in the Windows build of MzScheme that prevents
completion of all the tests.

; Andre van Tonder 2004.

(define-syntax reduce
  (syntax-rules (syntax-bind syntax let-syntax-computation
                 letrec-syntax-computation computation-rules)
    ((reduce k (syntax-bind ((x computation))
     (reduce (replace (reduce* k) x computation*) computation))
    ((reduce k (syntax stx))
     (appl k stx))
    ((reduce k (let-syntax-computation
                     (computation-rules (lit ...)
                       ((*name . pat) computation)
     (let-syntax ((name
                   (syntax-rules (lit ...)
                     ((*name k* . pat) (reduce k* computation))
       (reduce k computation*)))
    ((reduce k (letrec-syntax-computation
                     (computation-rules (lit ...)
                       ((*name . pat) computation)
     (letrec-syntax ((name
                      (syntax-rules (lit ...)
                        ((*name k* . pat) (reduce k* computation))
       (reduce k computation*)))
    ((reduce k f)
     (appl f k))))

(define-syntax reduce*
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((reduce* computation k)
     (reduce k computation))))

(define-syntax appl
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((appl (f . args) val)
     (f val . args))))

(define-syntax replace
  (syntax-rules (syntax-bind)
    ((replace val k x (syntax-bind ((y computation)) computation*))
     (bound= x y
             (appl k (syntax-bind ((y computation)) computation*))
             (replace val (recons syntax-bind k) x
                      (((y computation)) computation*))))
    ((replace val k x (h . t))
     (replace val (replace-cdr k x val t) x h))
    ((replace val k x y)
     (symbol x
             (symbol y
                     (bound= x y
                             (appl k val)
                             (appl k y))
                     (appl k y))
             (appl k y)))))

(define-syntax replace-cdr
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((replace-cdr h k x val t)
     (replace val (recons h k) x t))))

(define-syntax recons
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((recons t h k)
     (appl k (h . t)))))

(define-syntax bound=
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((bound= id b kt kf)
          ((id (syntax-rules ()
                 ((id kt** kf**) kf**)))
           (ok (syntax-rules ()
                 ((ok kt** kf**) kt**))))
            ((test (syntax-rules ()
                     ((_ b kt* kf*) (id kt* kf*)))))
          (test ok kt kf))))))

(define-syntax symbol
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((symbol x sk fk)
     (let-syntax ((test (syntax-rules ()
                          ((test x sk* fk*)     sk*)
                          ((test non-x sk* fk*) fk*))))
       (test foo sk fk)))))

(define-syntax ident
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((ident x) x)))

(define-syntax qident
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((qident x) 'x)))

(define-syntax syntax-run
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((syntax-run computation)
     (reduce (ident) computation))))

(define-syntax syntax-inspect
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((syntax-run computation)
     (reduce (qident) computation))))

(define-syntax define-syntax-computation
  (syntax-rules (computation-rules)
    ((define-syntax-computation name
       (computation-rules (lit ...)
         ((*name . pat) computation)
     (define-syntax name
       (syntax-rules (lit ...)
         ((*name k . pat) (reduce k computation))

; Tests:

(syntax-run (syntax-bind ((x (syntax y)))
              (syntax (let ((x 1)) y))))         ;==> 1

(syntax-inspect (syntax-bind ((x (syntax 1)))
                  (syntax-bind ((y (syntax x)))
                    (syntax y))))                ;==> 1

(syntax-inspect (syntax-bind ((x (syntax 1)))
                  (syntax-bind ((y (syntax 2)))
                    (syntax (x y)))))            ;==> (1 2)

(syntax-inspect (syntax-bind ((x (syntax 1)))
                  (syntax-bind ((x (syntax 2)))
                    (syntax x))))                ;==> 2

(syntax-inspect (syntax-bind ((x (syntax 1)))
                  (syntax-bind ((y (syntax 2)))
                    (syntax-bind ((x (syntax 3)))
                      (syntax x)))))             ;==> 3

; Correct scoping

(syntax-inspect (syntax-bind ((x (syntax-bind ((y (syntax 1)))
                                   (syntax 2))))
                  (syntax y)))                   ;==> y

(define-syntax-computation test
  (computation-rules ()
    ((test a) (syntax-bind ((x (syntax 1)))
                (syntax (x a))))))

(syntax-inspect (test x))                        ;==> (1 x)

; Adapted from Hilsdale and Friedman

(define-syntax-computation syntax-eq?
  (computation-rules ()
    ((syntax-eq? x y)
     (syntax-if (syntax-symbol? x)
                 ((test (computation-rules (x)
                          ((test x)     (syntax #t))
                          ((test non-x) (syntax #f)))))
                 (test y))
                (syntax-if (syntax-atom? x)
                           (syntax-match* y
                                          (x     (syntax #t))
                                          (non-x (syntax #f)))
                           (syntax #f))))))

; Adapted from Oleg Kiselyov

(define-syntax-computation syntax-symbol?
  (computation-rules ()
    ((syntax-symbol? (x . y))  (syntax #f))
    ((syntax-symbol? #(x ...)) (syntax #f))
    ((syntax-symbol? x)
      ((test (computation-rules ()
               ((test x) (syntax #t))
               ((test y) (syntax #f)))))
      (test foo)))))

(define-syntax-computation syntax-atom?
  (computation-rules ()
    ((syntax-atom? (x . y))  (syntax #f))
    ((syntax-atom? #(x ...)) (syntax #f))
    ((syntax-atom? x)        (syntax #t))))

(define-syntax-computation syntax-if
  (computation-rules ()
    ((syntax-if sc x y)
     (syntax-bind ((s sc))
       (syntax-if* s x y)))))

(define-syntax-computation syntax-if*
  (computation-rules ()
    ((syntax-if* #f x y) y)
    ((syntax-if* truish x y) x)))

(define-syntax-computation syntax-match
  (computation-rules ()
    ((syntax-match sc (pat computation) ...)
     (syntax-bind ((s sc))
       (syntax-match* s (pat computation) ...)))))

(define-syntax-computation syntax-match*
  (computation-rules ()
    ((syntax-match* s (pat computation) ...)
      ((f (computation-rules ()
            ((f pat) computation)
      (f s)))))

(define-syntax-computation syntax-temporaries
  (computation-rules ()
    ((syntax-temporaries lst)           (syntax-temporaries lst ()))
    ((syntax-temporaries () temps)      (syntax temps))
    ((syntax-temporaries (h . t) temps) (syntax-temporaries t (temp .

(define-syntax-computation syntax-append
  (computation-rules ()
    ((syntax-append () y)      (syntax y))
    ((syntax-append (h . t) y) (syntax-bind ((rest (syntax-append t y)))
                                 (syntax (h . rest))))))

(define-syntax-computation syntax-reverse
  (computation-rules ()
    ((syntax-reverse s)
           (computation-rules ()
             ((syntax-reverse* () accum) (syntax accum))
             ((syntax-reverse* (h . t) accum)
              (syntax-reverse* t (h . accum))))))
       (syntax-reverse* s ())))))

; Simple test of let-syntax-computation:

    (computation-rules ()
      ((atom? (x . y))        (syntax #f))
      ((atom? x)              (syntax #t)))))
  (atom? (x y))))
                                       ;==> #f

(syntax-run (syntax-atom? x))          ;==> #t
(syntax-run (syntax-atom? (1 . 2)))    ;==> #f

; Simple tests of list primitives

(syntax-run (syntax-append (list 1 2) (4 5 7)))  ;==> (1 2 4 5 7)

(syntax-run (syntax-reverse (1 2 3 5 list)))     ;==> (5 3 2 1)

; syntax-eq?

(syntax-run (syntax-eq? x x))              ;==> #t
(syntax-run (syntax-eq? x y))              ;==> #f
(syntax-run (syntax-eq? x 1))              ;==> #f
(syntax-run (syntax-eq? #t x))             ;==> #f
(syntax-run (syntax-eq? #t #t))            ;==> #t
(syntax-run (syntax-eq? (x . y) (x . y)))  ;==> #f

; conditionals:

(syntax-run (syntax-if (syntax #f)
                       (syntax 1)
                       (syntax 2)))  ;==> 2

(syntax-run (syntax-if (syntax-eq? x x)
                       (syntax 1)
                       (syntax 2)))  ;==> 1

; Temporaries

(syntax-inspect (syntax-temporaries (x y z)))  ;==> (temp~1 temp~2 temp~3)

; Predicates

(syntax-run (syntax-symbol? x))     ;==> #t
(syntax-run (syntax-symbol? 1))     ;==> #f
(syntax-run (syntax-symbol? (x y))) ;==> #f

(syntax-run (syntax-atom? 1))        ;==> #t
(syntax-run (syntax-atom? (1 . 2)))  ;==> #f

; More complex example:
; Records with labeled fields implementing:
;    - Compile-time constructing by label
;    - Compile-time matching by label

(define-syntax define-record
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((define-record name (make-name label ...))
       (define (make-name label ...)
         (list 'name label ...))
       (define-syntax-computation name
         (computation-rules ()
           ((name) (syntax (make-name (label ...))))))))))

(define-syntax make-record
  (syntax-rules (=)
    ((make-record name (= label value) ...)
      (syntax-match (name)
        ((make-name labels) (populate make-name
                                      ((= label value) ...)
                                      ((= label value) ...)

(define-syntax-computation populate
  (computation-rules (=)
    ((populate make-name () () bindings (value* ...))
     (syntax (make-name value* ...)))
    ((populate make-name (label* . labels*) () bindings values*)
     (syntax-error "No binding for" label* "in" make-name bindings))
    ((populate make-name () ((= label value) . rest) bindings values*)
     (syntax-error "Wrong label" label "in" make-name bindings))
    ((populate make-name
               (label* . labels*)
               ((= label value) . binds)
               (value* ...))
     (syntax-if (syntax-eq? label label*)
                (syntax-bind ((new-bindings (remove-bind label* bindings)))
                  (populate make-name
                            (value* ... value)))
                (populate make-name
                          (label* . labels*)
                          (value* ...))))))

(define-syntax-computation remove-bind
  (computation-rules ()
    ((remove-bind label* ())
     (syntax ()))
    ((remove-bind label* ((= label value) . bindings))
     (syntax-if (syntax-eq? label label*)
                (syntax bindings)
                (syntax-bind ((rest (remove-bind label* bindings)))
                  (syntax ((= label value) . rest)))))))

(define-syntax match-record
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((match-record val (name (= label var) ...) . body)
     (if (and (pair? val)
              (eq? (car val) 'name))
         (let ((fields (cdr val)))
            (syntax-match (name)
              ((make-name labels)
               (match-fields fields
                             ((= label var) ...)
                             ((= label var) ...)
         (error "Record type does not match")))))

(define-syntax-computation match-fields
  (computation-rules ()
    ((match-fields fields labels () () body)
     (syntax (begin .  body)))
    ((match-fields fields (label* . labels*) () bindings body)
     (syntax-bind ((rest (match-fields fields+
        (let ((fields+ (cdr fields)))
    ((match-fields fields () ((= label var) . binds) bindings body)
     (syntax-error "No field" label "in record"))
    ((match-fields fields
                   (label* . labels*)
                   ((= label var) . binds)
     (syntax-if (syntax-eq? label label*)
                (syntax-bind ((new-bindings (remove-bind label* bindings)))
                  (syntax-bind ((rest (match-fields fields+
                     (let ((var     (car fields))
                           (fields+ (cdr fields)))
                (match-fields fields
                              (label* . labels*)

; Tests:

(define-record test (make-test x y))

; Now the following:

(make-record test (= y 5) (= x 6))   ;==> (test 6 5)

; expands at compile-time to

(make-test 6 5)                      ;==>  ;==> (test 6 5)

(make-record test (= x 5) (= y 6))   ;==> (test 5 6)

(make-record test (= y (make-record test (= x 1) (= y 2)))
             (= x 7))
;==> (test 7 (test 1 2))

;(make-record test (= y 5) (= x 6) (= w 1))

;==> error: bad syntax in: (error "Wrong label" w "in" make-test ((= w 1)))

(define testing (make-test 8 9))

; Now the following:

(match-record testing
              (test (= y u) (= x v)) (list u v))           ;==> (9 8)

; expands at compile-time to:

(if (and (pair?  testing)
         (eq? (car testing) 'test))
    (let ((fields (cdr testing)))
      (let ((v (car fields))
            (fields+ (cdr fields)))
        (let ((u (car fields+))
              (fields+ (cdr fields+)))
          (list u v))))
    (error "Record type does not match"))      ;==> (9 8)

(match-record testing
              (test (= x u)) u)                            ;==> 8

(match-record testing
              (test (= y u)) u)                            ;==> 9

(match-record testing
              (test (= x u) (= y v)) (list u v))           ;==> (8 9)