Re: Surrogates and character representation Per Bothner 29 Jul 2005 06:50 UTC

William D Clinger wrote:
> What [Alex Shinn] really meant
> was that the C code would remain unchanged while the data
> was changed from UCS-4 to UTF-8, or something like that.)

Did you mean to write "while the data was changed from
Latin-1 to UTF-8"?  That seems to make more sense to me.

>  > > As Per Bothner agreed, that can degrade the asympototic
>  > > complexity of the algorithm from O(n/m) to O(n).
>  >
>  > I did?
> No, you didn't.  I misunderstood someone else's post; on top
> of that, I saw your name in the cc: field and thought it was
> the from: field.  Sorry.

I've done similar things.  Another reason to trim down the "cc" list ...
	--Per Bothner