Unicode surrogates rgburger@xxxxxx (13 Mar 2006 12:11 UTC)
Re: Unicode surrogates Tom Emerson (13 Mar 2006 13:43 UTC)
Re: Unicode surrogates John Cowan (13 Mar 2006 13:56 UTC)
Re: Unicode surrogates Robby Findler (13 Mar 2006 14:03 UTC)
Re: Unicode surrogates bear (13 Mar 2006 17:04 UTC)
Re: Unicode surrogates Per Bothner (13 Mar 2006 17:13 UTC)
Re: Unicode surrogates bear (22 Mar 2006 23:52 UTC)
Re: Unicode surrogates Tom Emerson (13 Mar 2006 17:16 UTC)

Re: Unicode surrogates John Cowan 13 Mar 2006 13:55 UTC

Tom Emerson scripsit:

> > For example, I can create a file called "\uD802.ss" in Windows.  How
> > would I be able to open this file in Scheme with the given proposal?
> Well, U+D802 is invalid, since it must be paired.

It is indeed invalid Unicode.  Unfortunately, Win32 filenames are not Unicode
strings; they are vectors of almost-arbitrary 16-bit values (certain values
are prohibited).  Similarly, Posix filenams are not strings either; they
are vectors of almost-arbitrary 8-bit values.

Vectors, though, are not a sensible interface to file systems; filenames are
thought of as strings, accessed as strings, and almost always do correspond
to strings.   The occasional deficiencies in this model just have to be

The man that wanders far                        xxxxxx@ccil.org
from the walking tree                           http://www.ap.org
        --first line of a non-existent poem by:         John Cowan