Accessor visibility Andre van Tonder (03 Jan 2006 07:33 UTC)
Re: Accessor visibility Michael Sperber (03 Jan 2006 17:04 UTC)
Re: Accessor visibility Andre van Tonder (03 Jan 2006 18:30 UTC)

Accessor visibility Andre van Tonder 03 Jan 2006 07:32 UTC

Just a small question:  Are the accessors visible in the protocol <exp>?

Here is an example that would use this to copy a record.

(define-record-type point

     (lambda (new)
         ((x y)       (new x y))                     ; Create new
         ((old-point) (new (point-x old-point)       ; Copy existing
                           (point-y old-point)))))

   (fields (immutable x)
           (immutable y)))
