Re: multiplicative inverse of 0.0 John.Cowan 23 Oct 2005 16:12 UTC

Aubrey Jaffer scripsit:

>  | (/ 0.0)                                ==>  +nan.0
>  | (/ 1.0 0)                              ==>  +inf.0
>  | (/ -1 0.0)                             ==>  -inf.0
>  | (/ +inf.0)                             ==>  0.0
> If 0.0 is the multiplicative inverse of +inf.0, then +inf.0 must be
> multiplicative inverse of 0.0.  But (/ 0.0) ==> +nan.0.  Which line is
> correct?

The first line is transparently a typo for (/ 0.0 0.0) ==> +nan.0.

Yes, chili in the eye is bad, but so is your    John Cowan
ear.  However, I would suggest you wash your
hands thoroughly before going to the toilet.