RECEIVE vs LET-VALUES Lars Thomas Hansen (02 Jul 1999 17:38 UTC)
RECEIVE vs LET-VALUES John David Stone (02 Jul 1999 18:30 UTC)
Re: RECEIVE vs LET-VALUES Lars Thomas Hansen (02 Jul 1999 18:41 UTC)
Re: RECEIVE vs LET-VALUES John David Stone (02 Jul 1999 18:48 UTC)

Re: RECEIVE vs LET-VALUES John David Stone 02 Jul 1999 18:51 UTC

Lars Thomas Hansen writes:

 > I'm puzzled.  By design, my macro for LET-VALUES does not require the
 > pattern ?VARIABLES to be a list; it can be a single identifier or an
 > improper list.  Thus:
 > 	(define (compose outer inner)
 > 	  (lambda arguments
 > 	    (let-values (intermediates (apply inner arguments))
 > 	      (apply outer intermediates))))
 > expands into your code above.  Is there a subtlety I'm missing?

        No, you're right.  I didn't read your syntax definition carefully
enough and slackly assumed that you were just modelling MzScheme's

======  John David Stone - Lecturer in Computer Science and Philosophy  =====
==============  Manager of the Mathematics Local-Area Network  ==============
==============  Grinnell College - Grinnell, Iowa 50112 - USA  ==============
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