Library semantics correction Andre van Tonder (03 Dec 2005 17:19 UTC)
Re: Library semantics - higher level imports Andre van Tonder (04 Dec 2005 14:39 UTC)
Re: Library semantics - higher level imports Andre van Tonder (04 Dec 2005 14:51 UTC)

Re: Library semantics - higher level imports Andre van Tonder 04 Dec 2005 14:43 UTC

On Sun, 4 Dec 2005, Andre van Tonder wrote:

> The change in the semantics would then be:
> To visit a library at phase N:
>    * Visit at phase N any library that is imported by this library
>      for ... (phase 0), and that is not yet visited at phase N.
>    * For each k >= 1, invoke at phase N+k any library that is imported
>      by this library for .... (phase k), and that is not yet invoked at
>      phase N+k.
>    * For each k >= 1, visit at phase N+1 any library that is imported by
>      this library for .... (phase k), and that is not yet visited at phase
>      N+k.
>    * Evaluate all syntax definitions within the library.
>      (Top-level expressions are not evaluated, and the right-hand sides
>      of variable definitions are not evaluated.)

Sorry, there was a misprint.  This should be

To visit a library at phase N:

     * Visit at phase N any library that is imported by this library
       for ... (phase 0), and that is not yet visited at phase N.
     * For each k >= 1, invoke at phase N+k any library that is imported
       by this library for .... (phase k), and that is not yet invoked at
       phase N+k.
     * For each k >= 1, visit at phase N+k any library that is imported by
       this library for .... (phase k), and that is not yet visited at phase
     * Evaluate all syntax definitions within the library.
       (Top-level expressions are not evaluated, and the right-hand sides
       of variable definitions are not evaluated.)