Re: Need a general place to stash SRFI implementations needed by other SRFI implementations Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (19 Aug 2020 20:16 UTC)

Re: Need a general place to stash SRFI implementations needed by other SRFI implementations Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen 19 Aug 2020 20:16 UTC

Am Mi., 19. Aug. 2020 um 22:01 Uhr schrieb <>:

> Arthur quite reasonably wants SRFIs to stop bundling other SRFI implementations with their supplied implementations.   I.e. don't bundle your own SRFI 64: A Scheme API for test suites in your brand new SRFI.

SRFI 138 describes the "-A" option to *append* directories to the
library search path. Chibi-Scheme and many other Schemes implement
this option. As long as you use such a flag when using the code of a
SRFI, the bundled libraries will only be used when they are not
present in your system.

I still think that this is the easiest and gives the best user experience.

> However, it still might be very convenient for an SRFI implementation to be able to link to other SRFI implementations just in case someone wanting to run it needs that SRFI, and for example an old sample implementation doesn't work with their Scheme (e.g. 64's won't load in Chibi Scheme).

SRFI 64 works with Chibi-Scheme. Unfortunately, the version uploaded
to Snowfort doesn't.