On Sun, Jun 9, 2019 at 2:37 AM Lassi Kortela <xxxxxx@lassi.io> wrote:
There are now several new web servers that can automatically fetch and
renew SSL certificates from Let's Encrypt. In that case there is no need
to run certbot manually, write configuration files and set up cron jobs.
These look really promising.

I haven't used any of these, but Certbot is easy to set up.  In recent versions, it even sets up its own Cron job.

I use Nginx because it's fast and widely used and because there are so many people who can answer questions about how to use it.  On the other hand, it is written in C, which makes me nervous, but then so is my operating system, Linux.  Perhaps some day we'll be able to replace all that with Scheme code that is sufficiently fast and reliable, but that may be a long time in the future.