500LOLS: 500 Lines Or Less of Scheme (re: cookbook) Amirouche Boubekki (25 Jun 2019 11:30 UTC)
Re: 500LOLS: 500 Lines Or Less of Scheme (re: cookbook) Amirouche Boubekki (25 Jun 2019 11:31 UTC)
Re: 500LOLS: 500 Lines Or Less of Scheme (re: cookbook) Lassi Kortela (25 Jun 2019 15:25 UTC)
Re: 500LOLS: 500 Lines Or Less of Scheme (re: cookbook) Amirouche Boubekki (26 Jun 2019 01:26 UTC)
Re: 500LOLS: 500 Lines Or Less of Scheme (re: cookbook) Amirouche Boubekki (28 Jun 2019 18:24 UTC)
Re: 500LOLS: 500 Lines Or Less of Scheme (re: cookbook) Lassi Kortela (28 Jun 2019 10:32 UTC)
Re: 500LOLS: 500 Lines Or Less of Scheme (re: cookbook) Lassi Kortela (01 Jul 2019 17:06 UTC)

Re: 500LOLS: 500 Lines Or Less of Scheme (re: cookbook) Lassi Kortela 28 Jun 2019 10:32 UTC

BTW, for anyone interested in graphics programming, I highly recommend
checking out the Agave OpenGL demos:
<https://github.com/dharmatech/agave>. They run in Chez, Ikarus and
Ypsilon and are quite easy to install from Akku

These are under the Apache License and probably are possibly under 500
LOC even including library code (if the Scheme OpenGL wrapper doesn't
count). Maybe we could incorporate these, or something in this spirit,
into the example programs.

While we're on the topic of graphics, one of the most delightful CS
papers ever is FunctionalGeometry (Henderson 2002):
<https://eprints.soton.ac.uk/257577/1/funcgeo2.pdf>. He defines a
functional graphics language and replicates an Escher drawing with it.
The book How To Design Programs also uses this language and it's
available for Racket: