The Scheme Cookbook Arthur A. Gleckler (08 May 2019 21:12 UTC)
Fwd: The Scheme Cookbook Arthur A. Gleckler (21 Jan 2020 23:30 UTC)
Re: The Scheme Cookbook Jens Axel Søgaard (21 Jan 2020 23:48 UTC)
Re: The Scheme Cookbook Arthur A. Gleckler (21 Jan 2020 23:48 UTC)
Re: The Scheme Cookbook Lassi Kortela (22 Jan 2020 00:13 UTC)
Re: Fwd: The Scheme Cookbook Neil Van Dyke (22 Jan 2020 17:18 UTC)
Re: Fwd: The Scheme Cookbook Arthur A. Gleckler (22 Jan 2020 19:31 UTC)
Re: Fwd: The Scheme Cookbook Neil Van Dyke (23 Jan 2020 16:39 UTC)

Re: Fwd: The Scheme Cookbook Neil Van Dyke 23 Jan 2020 11:43 UTC

Arthur A. Gleckler wrote on 1/22/20 2:31 PM:
> Is it okay for us to republish material from the Scheme Cookbook that
> does turn out to be more generally useful, perhaps after some editing?

I can't speak authoritatively, but my personal opinion is that you
reviving the cookbook now would be very much in the spirit of the
original intentions.

If you don't hear from the people who started the Scheme Cookbook (I was
merely a contributor), hopefully whatever legalese they happened to
include in the site will suffice.

Thank you for your work, and for reaching out on this.