SRFI metadata Erkin Batu Altunbas (19 Apr 2020 16:58 UTC)
Re: SRFI metadata Arthur A. Gleckler (19 Apr 2020 17:06 UTC)
Re: SRFI metadata Erkin Batu Altunbas (19 Apr 2020 17:14 UTC)
Re: SRFI metadata Lassi Kortela (19 Apr 2020 17:19 UTC)
Re: SRFI metadata Erkin Batu Altunbas (19 Apr 2020 18:51 UTC)
Re: SRFI metadata Lassi Kortela (19 Apr 2020 18:59 UTC)
SRFI lists from Frank in 2019 Lassi Kortela (19 Apr 2020 19:13 UTC)
Re: SRFI lists from Frank in 2019 Lassi Kortela (19 Apr 2020 19:18 UTC)

SRFI metadata Erkin Batu Altunbas 19 Apr 2020 16:58 UTC

Hi everyone,

I took the liberty to use the SRFI metadata repository with some info
I compiled together today. Inspired by, I want to use
it to generate an HTML table. It's rather incomplete right now because
some implementations aren't very open about which SRFIs they support
for some reason. Although I found a few pages on the web that loosely
described SRFIs each implementation supports, I felt like those might
be out of date so I just consulted the official webpages or README
files for all of them save for Larceny, SLIB and TinyScheme.

Looking forward to hear your suggestions.
