We need a Pandoc implementation in Scheme Lassi Kortela (12 Jun 2021 07:24 UTC)
Re: We need a Pandoc implementation in Scheme Amirouche Boubekki (21 Jun 2021 12:19 UTC)
Re: We need a Pandoc implementation in Scheme Lassi Kortela (28 Jun 2021 19:29 UTC)
Re: We need a Pandoc implementation in Scheme Duy Nguyen (29 Jun 2021 03:43 UTC)
Re: We need a Pandoc implementation in Scheme Arthur A. Gleckler (29 Jun 2021 04:36 UTC)
Re: We need a Pandoc implementation in Scheme Lassi Kortela (29 Jun 2021 09:18 UTC)

Re: We need a Pandoc implementation in Scheme Duy Nguyen 29 Jun 2021 03:43 UTC

On Tue, Jun 29, 2021 at 2:29 AM Lassi Kortela <xxxxxx@lassi.io> wrote:
> Amirouche, sorry about the long delay in responding to this!
> >> A number of goals are converging on the general requirement that we need
> >> a modular Pandoc (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pandoc) clone written in
> >> portable Scheme.
> >
> > Why is it required or necessary?
> Many of the web pages under Scheme.org are written using Markdown or
> AsciiDoc. And if we want a documentation index/browser under Scheme.org,
> we need to parse the manuals of Scheme implementations and libraries;
> those are written in Texinfo, Scribble, and others.
> It is prohibitively hard to do even simple transformations to that
> content (e.g. styling it via CSS, and adding navigation elements to the
> HTML page) if we call out to converter programs written in other
> languages (since those converters do not output an S-expression
> representation which is easy for us to process). It soon gets to the
> point where the easiest solution is to have the necessary parsers in
> Scheme libraries instead.

It's only "easiest" if you ignore the cost of reimplementing pandoc
(and fixing new bugs) in Scheme, a project of 14 years old. So if you
think pandoc is a good way to go, maybe just use the real one and see
if it actually works. You can always reimplement pandoc on the side
and use it whenever it's ready.