Rakefile for generating doc.scheme.org Peter Lane (30 Jul 2022 11:30 UTC)
Re: Rakefile for generating doc.scheme.org Lassi Kortela (31 Jul 2022 06:55 UTC)

Re: Rakefile for generating doc.scheme.org Lassi Kortela 31 Jul 2022 06:55 UTC

> I've been following the progress of scheme.org for a while, and am glad
> to see the main page is now 'live'!

Thanks for getting on board early!

> One thing I noticed is that the
> guide files are not integrated into the main design - I've adapted
> something I use to build my own website, which may be helpful.
> [...]
> If you want to try this, download the code from:
> https://github.com/pcl-code/guide

Looks great. This is clearly better than the old barebones Asciidoctor
formatting so if you make a PR I'll merge it right away.

> To make this self-contained, I've added the schemeorg.css file (from the
> website) and a syntax.css file (generated from rouge).

That's fine. So far we've been copying schemeorg.css at the root of each

In the past few weeks I've been thinking of a unified plan for static
content, but nothing concrete yet. I'll write another email about it later.