What about moving staging.scheme.org to production? Amirouche (21 May 2021 09:53 UTC)
Re: What about moving staging.scheme.org to production? Lassi Kortela (21 May 2021 10:17 UTC)
Re: What about moving staging.scheme.org to production? Arthur A. Gleckler (24 May 2021 02:58 UTC)
Re: What about moving staging.scheme.org to production? Lassi Kortela (24 May 2021 11:52 UTC)
Re: What about moving staging.scheme.org to production? Jakub T. Jankiewicz (24 May 2021 12:05 UTC)
Re: What about moving staging.scheme.org to production? Lassi Kortela (24 May 2021 12:14 UTC)

Re: What about moving staging.scheme.org to production? Lassi Kortela 24 May 2021 12:14 UTC

> I was testing in lighthouse (if you open Google Chrome dev tools it's last
> tab, to open dev tools press F12). The stats shows:
> Performance 100
> Accessibility 94
> Best Practices 100
> SEO 89
> SEO is low because there are no meta description in head.
> Accessibility because of low contrast of grey date in "What's new in Scheme"
> section.

Thanks for running it, good advice!

If you or anyone else wants to add the meta description tags, feel free
to send PRs to the repos at any time.

The color theme should be done by a real graphic designer...