Website Link to GitHub / Source + License of the content Jakub T. Jankiewicz (20 Aug 2021 21:29 UTC)
Re: Website Link to GitHub / Source + License of the content Lassi Kortela (21 Aug 2021 05:16 UTC)

Website Link to GitHub / Source + License of the content Jakub T. Jankiewicz 20 Aug 2021 21:29 UTC

I think this is really important so docs can be improved by users.

All documentation on website should point to proper GitHub repo where you can
see the code, report an issue and/or create a PR with a fix or improvement.

I was looking at surveys and already fixed few issues with my
Scheme interpreter and few unit tests from those documents. It help a lot but
there are no links to GitHub repo where all those files are located, you can
even know that they are source file.

Also another things is license for the content. It should be written in a way
that everyone can use it any way he likes (best CC0) unless written otherwise
e.g. Cookbook that will have multi license.

Jakub T. Jankiewicz, Web Developer