Re: Scheme REPL again and Issue with guide to macros
Vasilij Schneidermann 22 Nov 2021 14:58 UTC
Hello Jakub,
> Feature-Policy: accelerometer 'none'; ambient-light-sensor 'none'; autoplay
> 'none'; camera 'none'; display-capture 'none'; document-domain 'none';
> encrypted-media 'none'; fullscreen 'none'; geolocation 'none'; gyroscope
> 'none'; layout-animations 'none'; magnetometer 'none'; microphone 'none';
> midi 'none'; payment 'none'; picture-in-picture 'none'; speaker 'none'; usb
> 'none'; vibrate 'none'; vr 'none'
That looks highly locked down, possibly copy-pasted from a guide with
example security headers to set.
> At ?
Thanks, I was lacking that information from your previous email.
> There are also errors form embedded fonts, so it already backfired.
Sure, the configuration needs to be adjusted to the contents, ideally
every time a significant change happens. CSP has the report-uri feature
to automatically notify website administrators if that happens.
> Yes, I know what CSP is for, but why you need for a website that only have
> static html files and don't allow to add user content? It doesn't make much
> sense to me.
I agree that it's of limited value in this case, but static contents do
not necessarily mean that the website is automatically immune. It's
still possible to have DOM XSS (client-side only) in a JavaScript
Another thing to consider is whether the CSP configuration applies to
every subdomain. Some of them may violate the assumption of
static pages without user content, for example