No cookies or other local storage Arvydas Silanskas (22 Aug 2022 12:08 UTC)
Re: No cookies or other local storage Lassi Kortela (22 Aug 2022 12:17 UTC)
Re: No cookies or other local storage Jakub T. Jankiewicz (22 Aug 2022 12:29 UTC)
Re: No cookies or other local storage Arvydas Silanskas (22 Aug 2022 18:22 UTC)
Re: No cookies or other local storage Magnus Ahltorp (03 Sep 2022 11:57 UTC)
Re: No cookies or other local storage Lassi Kortela (04 Sep 2022 12:54 UTC)
Re: No cookies or other local storage Arvydas Silanskas (02 Sep 2022 23:11 UTC)

Re: No cookies or other local storage Lassi Kortela 22 Aug 2022 12:17 UTC

> I've gone over again, and it seems I
> overlooked the point that says
> * No cookies or other local storage. Exception: session for users who
> explicitly logged in.

Thanks for being diligent!

The rules are drafted by me based on a handful of informal discussions
with whoever I've managed to beg and guilt into focusing on the topic
for a moment :p I've been trying to start a group discussion about them,
but so far people haven't been interested.

If you think the rules should be changed, you may well have a point. I
agree that local storage is much smoother than query strings.

Magnus, if you're lurking, any ideas?