Should be changed to be a static site? Arvydas Silanskas (01 Jun 2024 15:25 UTC)
Re: Should be changed to be a static site? Arthur A. Gleckler (01 Jun 2024 15:30 UTC)
Re: Should be changed to be a static site? Arvydas Silanskas (01 Jun 2024 16:44 UTC)
Re: Should be changed to be a static site? Arthur A. Gleckler (01 Jun 2024 17:14 UTC)
Re: Should be changed to be a static site? Arthur A. Gleckler (01 Jun 2024 17:39 UTC)
Re: Should be changed to be a static site? Lassi Kortela (02 Jun 2024 17:15 UTC)
Types and documentation Lassi Kortela (02 Jun 2024 18:15 UTC)
Re: Types and documentation Arvydas Silanskas (03 Jun 2024 06:30 UTC)
Re: Types and documentation Lassi Kortela (03 Jun 2024 08:00 UTC)
Re: Types and documentation Lassi Kortela (12 Jun 2024 09:22 UTC)
Re: Types and documentation Arvydas Silanskas (12 Jun 2024 19:36 UTC)
Re: Should be changed to be a static site? Arvydas Silanskas (15 Jul 2024 19:17 UTC)

Re: Should be changed to be a static site? Lassi Kortela 02 Jun 2024 17:15 UTC

Thank you for your service to Scheme.

> I'm considering the prospects of refactoring
> and changing it to become a static site. It
> would remain an angular application, but it would load all data on init
> as a sqlite resource (which is generated on a "build" step from scm
> files), and run queries against it client side.

I suggest the following:

* Create a dedicated repository under to
host the source data as S-expressions.

* Make the
repository host a build script that downloads the S-expression files
from the other repository and generates a static site according to your
wishes. Host the static site under

* If other people wish to have a server-based search of the same data,
they can either generate a third-party site from the same S-expressions
or write a server to run under

IMHO do-ocracy ( is a good model
for the community subdomains. If you don't feel like
maintaining something complex, you don't have to. Let the people who
want it contribute the work.

> Pros:
> * easier for people to run it locally offline, a lot of folk have python
> already installed and can just do `python3 -m http.server`

Yes. Additionally, if the source is S-expressions, people can easily (?)
write command-line and Emacs front-ends that read those directly.

> * doesn't need a server, so it can be run from github pages for free

I'm trying to consolidate all the community sites onto Debian VPS. A
standard platform will pay off in the long run.

Of course, static content is the easiest thing to host from anywhere.

> * No more rest api

If the source S-expressions are in a dedicated repo, then people who
want a REST API can do the work to generate one from the same sources.