On Fri, Sep 13, 2019 at 12:36 PM <xxxxxx@ancell-ent.com> wrote:

(Note, I'm replying to a message that John accidentally only replied to me to.  Shouldn't these lists default to replying to the list??)

No, no, a thousand times no.  Having a message that was intended to be public go private has a much less disastrous downside that having a message meant to be private become public (and available to all forever in the archives).  See <https://www.unicom.com/pw/reply-to-harmful.html> ("Reply-To Munging Considered Harmful").
As far as I know, the bad experiences are largely of different natures. 
A previous employer had to vacuum its PostgreSQL database every 24 hours, and there was talk of making it 12 hours, and it wasn't even particularly transactional.

There seems to be quite general agreement that the dominant SQL databases today are Oracle, MySQL+MariaDB, SQL Server, and PostgreSQL (for which, by the way, SQL is also an overlay; only fairly recently was support for QUEL, a much better language, dropped).  I think we need to treat at least the two open-source ones plus SQLite (public domain) as first-class.  If anything, SQLite probably has the best long-term prospects:  Hipp is 59, but most people get support from the mailing list and its worldwide set of experts, not from Hipp's tiny company.
I *strongly* disagree when it comes to interfacing to complex external systems like a database, or a POSIX provider, thus the useful exercise of my getting my Chibi Scheme SRFI 170 example implementation to run on OpenBSD, but Windows would have been a lot better.  Ideally, I'd like a matrix of two Scheme implementations on two wildly different systems like a UNIX/Linux and Windows, and two external systems (databases here, operating systems for SRFI 170), but only the latter is really important.

Oh, sure.  Two implementations are much better than one.  I'm just pointing out that the SRFI process only requires one.
Actually, for system level database interfaces, it would be nice to include a native Windows implementation in the mix.  But I'd guess that's not a big deal, SQLlite writes to a single file and handles the lies of systems (I would bet non-trivial money less lying than in Linux) and hardware, PostgreSQL has a TCP/IP interface, as I'd assume most other multi-user databases we'd want to support also have.

So does MySQL+MariaDB ("The Widenius Daughters")
Or the JDBC kludge ought to work for the "second class" level of support databases,

Probably a good idea.
Windows still being a first class JVM server I assume,

Certainly the JVM on Windows isn't going away even if Oracle gives up on Java; the OpenJDK build is just fine.

John Cowan          http://vrici.lojban.org/~cowan        xxxxxx@ccil.org
Do what you will / this Life's a Fiction
And is made up of / Contradiction.  --William Blake