On Wed, Sep 25, 2019 at 4:34 PM <xxxxxx@ancell-ent.com> wrote:
> Here is a _first_ proposal for the graphical aspects https://imgur.com/a/aCiM9PB 

That looks great.  I especially like the logo, which appears to be based on a conventional symbol for a database or a disk.  The Oracle headquarters buildings appear to have been inspired the same way.

One thing I would encourage you to consider, when designing the look and layout of the site, is how to make it as readable and usable as possible on mobile devices.  (This is often called "responsive design.")  It's surprising how often users read on mobile devices even when reviewing technical subjects.  Perhaps even more importantly, Google gives a big ranking boost to web sites that work well on mobile devices.
And here's a good way to waste our time: I prefer Oxford commas,
as in "databases, encoding, and logging", a comma before the "and"
