I've made sure that all the SQL 2011 data types except multisets (bags) and time intervals are represented now.  I could add bags easily, as we do have type codes for them, but I think they are very little supported or used.  However I have added dates (for SQL DATE, TIME, and TIMESTAMP types) and vectors for SQL arrays as well as general purposes.  Time intervals are a great big mess, not portable, not what I thought they were, and I want nothing to do with them.

Issue: should there be a text and binary format for fixed-point exact integers?  On the text side, #e followed by digits and a decimal point would work.  On the binary side, it just means allocating another type code.

Issue: Should we use hex format for bytevectors, like #u8[00-12-34-56-78] (hyphens optional), instead of #u8(0 18 52 86 120)? My inclination is to say no.


John Cowan
Would your name perchance be surname Puppet, given name Sock?
                --Rick Moen