With many thanks to https://www.thesaurus.com, an updated sdbi API: https://github.com/Schemepersist/sdbi-design/blob/master/apis/sdbi.txt

It is John's Simple SQL API with "sql-" replaced with "sdbi-", and the following changes:

New opaque data type, tech-stack, and that's not a good name for the stack of e.g. "subprocess jdbc db2", suggestions including replacing "stack" are solicited.

Added before you create a connection, the initial alist specifies which database, how you connect to it, configuration, etc.:

(sdbi-stack-construct alist) -> tech-stack

(sdbi-stack-dismantle tech-stack) -> undefined

(sdbi-stack-adjust tech-stack alist) -> undefined

Options for -construct and -adjust include:

The next replaces the sql-timeout procedure, if we make timeouts a function of the stack, instead of a particular connection in it, which might be a virtual connection serviced by a connection pool.

(request-timeout . timespect-interval)

Set timeout in seconds and nanoseconds for each request on the
connection. Signal an error if request does not complete.

(connection-pooling . variety)

Where variety is #t to use the stack's default pooling, or a list of
procedures to supply a different pooling system.

(sdbi-tech-stack? obj) -> boolean

Minor change adding tech-stack to opening a connection, and the obvious -close procedure was added:

(sdbi-connection-open tech-stack alist) -> connection

The connection is virtual if connection pooling is enabled by

If you have connection pooling, would having a special case (specified in the alist) to provide a fixed connection be worthwhile?

As previously worked out on this list, sdbi-with-connection defaults to committing, so sql-commit has been removed.

Here I made thunk optional, removing needless ceremony and a procedure call if you just want the result set.

(sdbi-get-result connection statement [thunk]) -> result-set or what thunk returns

Executes statement, and thunk supplied, passes it the result-set.

Everything following, which starts with (sdbi-read result-set) -> list, is unchanged except for the"sql-" -> "sdbi-" swap.

- Harold