> This is part of an argument that an in-process, single-file, zero-admin SQL
> database is a completely different animal from an interface to SQL database
> servers, and deserves its own API, though it should not be *gratuituously*
> different. The existence of sql-de-lite and APSW (Python) seemed to
> confirm this. Once you exclude the proprietary, the JVM, and the .NET
> databases, only SQLite and Firebird Embedded are left, and SQLite is far
> more lightweight.
> My actual pre-SRFI isn't particularly SQLite-specific, but it's what I
> think of as the MVP; other SQLite-specific features can be added in a later
> SRFI. If it's useful as a skeleton for a general database server API,
> that's certainly a Good Thing.
I'm sympathetic to John's approach. Are there other SQL databases
besides SQLite that have a similar "dynamic typing" approach (column
types are advisory rather than enforced)?