Set up a GitLab mirror as a simple backup? Lassi Kortela (07 Aug 2020 11:17 UTC)
Re: Set up a GitLab mirror as a simple backup? John Cowan (07 Aug 2020 11:56 UTC)
Re: Set up a GitLab mirror as a simple backup? Lassi Kortela (07 Aug 2020 12:12 UTC)
Re: Set up a GitLab mirror as a simple backup? Lassi Kortela (07 Aug 2020 12:40 UTC)
Re: Set up a GitLab mirror as a simple backup? hga@xxxxxx (07 Aug 2020 14:44 UTC)
Re: Set up a GitLab mirror as a simple backup? Lassi Kortela (07 Aug 2020 14:58 UTC)
Re: Set up a GitLab mirror as a simple backup? hga@xxxxxx (07 Aug 2020 15:24 UTC)
Re: Set up a GitLab mirror as a simple backup? Lassi Kortela (07 Aug 2020 15:44 UTC)
Re: Set up a GitLab mirror as a simple backup? hga@xxxxxx (07 Aug 2020 16:11 UTC)
Re: Set up a GitLab mirror as a simple backup? Arthur A. Gleckler (08 Aug 2020 01:44 UTC)
Re: Set up a GitLab mirror as a simple backup? Arthur A. Gleckler (07 Aug 2020 15:25 UTC)

Re: Set up a GitLab mirror as a simple backup? hga@xxxxxx 07 Aug 2020 16:10 UTC

> From: Lassi Kortela <>
> Date: Friday, August 07, 2020 10:43 AM
> [ GitLab as hosted by the company is unsatisfactory as a master due
>   to a long standing culture of operations incompetence. ]
>> One other reason to make it the master is that I'm pretty sure a
>> lot more people have GitHub accounts than GitLab ones, and if both,
>> use the former a lot more, if not all but exclusively.
> True. We have an interminable, minor GitHub vs GitLab vs others vs
> private server tug-of-war in the Scheme community :)

I'm under the impression that GitHub has 95% or more mind share.  That
will of course change as they ban more people, but for now....

>> I've suggested that pull request discussions happen in the comments
>> on the pull request, and get scraped and sent as one digest to
>> the mailing list after resolution.  That way we can limit traffic
>> on the mailing list, by announcing when a pull request has been
>> made and providing a link, so those interested in the specific topic
>> can subscribe, and the rest aren't bothered.
> Sounds reasonable to do preparatory work where it suits people as long
> as decisions are made on the mailing list.

Well, I can speak only for myself, any discussion of the merits of a
Windows, macOS, systemd, etc. registry file will just result in my
unsubscribing from the registry mailing list.  Life's too short to spend
time on things I can reasonably anticipate never being interested in.

And how many of you would be interested for example in embedded
computing stuff?

> PRs cannot be disabled in GitHub. I think they can be in GitLab.
>> "git clone git://$i.git srfi/github/srfi-$i.git"
> OK, that is very easy!

Don't forget the "sleep 30" in the loop!  If you are doing it
frequently, I'd make the pause much longer.

> For subsequent ones do you need to replace the clone with pull?

I just tested that: "git -C schemeregistry/git/srfi-explorations/registry pull origin master"
From git://
 * branch            master     -> FETCH_HEAD
Already up to date.

But note that unless this account gets used for something
more than git repos by the end of September, since you've demonstrated
that can be done with GitLib for example for no cost, it's going to be
withdrawn as a resource for the community, I can't justify the expense.

- Harold