Le lun. 8 juil. 2019 à 18:59, Lassi Kortela <xxxxxx@lassi.io> a écrit :
The Scheme API now has a usable staging deploy:
<https://api.staging.scheme.fi/>. New data is being added constantly.

The next step is to make a web UI for browsing it (this will live at
<docs.schemers.org> once it's ready for public consumption). This should
probably be a JavaScript single page app that uses the API as back end.

So we'd need a Scheme implementation that transpiles down to a .js file
for the browser. Does anyone one this list have experiences with
particular choices?

There's Hop form Bigloo but it seems perhaps too fancy for our purposes
with the client-server integration, and according to Wikipedia it's
still very work-in-progress in some places.

Chicken has spock (<http://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/4/spock>). Would this
be usable for our scenario?

There's also the Racket-based Whalesong
(<https://www.hashcollision.org/whalesong/>) and of course Biwa

I'd personally prefer using a framework inspired by React or the Elm
Architecture (i.e. purely functional Model-View-Update). But if no such
framework is ready yet, we can make do with something else.

There is also Gambit that has a JavaScript backend, look at this recent thread:


Amirouche ~ amz3 ~ https://hyper.dev