Thanks for the feedback! 

On Thu, Mar 12, 2020 at 5:16 PM Arthur A. Gleckler <> wrote:

However, it might be better to use a record type for the request and response, putting the mandatory information, e.g. the request URL, HTTP version, and verb, in the record's slots, and putting everything else in a dictionary slot. 

This seems very arbitrary to me.  In particular, content is mandatory with PUT, POST, PATCH (unless file is provided)  and forbidden/useless with other verbs.  So there's a lot of interdependencies.

Also, almost everything you mentioned that isn't mandatory is in the headers, so perhaps just keep a dictionary of headers and provide procedures for extracting information like content type,

I agree that content-type and content-encoding can be eliminated.

I think that having a cookie jar data structure is the Right Thing, since you can just keep it in a variable, pass it in the request, and reassign the variable from the response.


They really belong with an URL SRFI yet to be written.