Re: Please recommend a Scheme to transpile to browser-side JavaScript Lassi Kortela (08 Jul 2019 22:58 UTC)

Re: Please recommend a Scheme to transpile to browser-side JavaScript Lassi Kortela 08 Jul 2019 22:58 UTC

> I'm sorry to say this, but Scheme in the browser may just not be mature
> enough.  Javascript is surprisingly pleasant to use these days, so it
> might be better to use that, at least for now.

No shame in that :) One more thing I like about the Scheme community is
that we are realistic and don't try to sugar-coat Scheme's current
deficiencies. That's the fastest way to solve them.

> But before we make that decision, we should decide exactly what we want
> to do in the user interface.  For example, do we even need a web
> application that runs code in the browser?  Or would a standard
> request-response model be sufficient for what we're trying to achieve?

I would recommend a reasonably modern single-page app for
<> since that address would be the obvious starting
point for newbies and many programmers expect something quite modern
nowadays. It gives a good first impression if we have something modern
there, in any case. Another reason is that the API will have a wide
variety of information. It will be hard to present all of it in an
interactive form unless we use a single-page app (there's just so much
of it).

But the beauty of an API is that it can have all kinds of clients. We
can just as well make request-response clients also. Chicken's Chickadee
service is a great example of one: <>.
Emacs already has a GraphQL client library
(<>) so we can use that for an Emacs client, etc.
