HTTP client for Chicken Lassi Kortela (13 Jul 2019 15:35 UTC)
Re: HTTP client for Chicken Peter Bex (14 Jul 2019 08:28 UTC)

HTTP client for Chicken Lassi Kortela 13 Jul 2019 15:35 UTC

Which HTTP client library would you recommend from Chicken eggs?

I'd like us to eventually develop a portable HTTP client and maybe write
a SRFI about it, so anything that would serve as good practice or
background for that work would be great.

I got the impression Chicken has good HTTP support already. From a quick
browsing of the egg index, the intarweb library seems to be the HTTP
implementation of choice. There's a library based on it that is named
just "http-client". Should I use that one for ordinary web tasks? The
immediate use would be consuming REST and GraphQL APIs, but it'd be nice
to also get an understanding of the state of Scheme HTTP clients for
future work.
