>> is Mike Sperber
> is Marc Feeley
>> - Import of feature implementations (IMHO) *needs* to be made
>> explicit. Scheme implementations which load additional features
>> on-demand (such Scheme 48) would *have* to say NO to any feature
>> requested.
> That is not true. [...]
It certainly is true for Scheme 48. Scheme 48 has many extensions
to Scheme, but none of them are available by default. A make-available-
on-demand approach requires that the demands be known before the code
is processed. COND-EXPAND makes this very difficult. Consider the
following program:
(and-let* ((x (assq a (read))))
(display x))
(cond-expand (srfi-2 'okay)) ; need AND-LET*
The initial pass of the Scheme 48 compiler macro-expands the top-level
forms in order, expanding each only enough to see if it is a definition
or syntax definition. By the time the compiler sees the COND-EXPAND,
it will have already classified the AND-LET* form as a call. I suppose
I could add an initial pass to find all the COND-EXPAND forms, but that
is both too much work and still error prone, because macros can expand
into uses of COND-EXPAND.
>> - By now several Scheme implementors have expressed their preference
>> for a separate configuration language. Richard, of course, Will,
>> Donovan, and the Rice folks. Is there a strong reason *not* to do
>> it this way?
> Yes, freedom of implementation.
I think you have this backwards. A great advantage of a separate
configuration language is that it puts minimal restrictions on the
implementation. The configuration language I proposed is trivial
to implement in the presence of a fixed feature set and possible to
implement in the presence of a module system. COND-EXPAND requires
a fixed feature set.
Here is a PROGRAM macro that implements the configuration language
in terms of COND-EXPAND:
(define-syntax program
(syntax-rules (requires files code feature-cond)
((program (requires feature-id ...)
more ...)
(begin (cond-expand ((and feature-id ...) 'okay))
(program more ...)))
((program (files filename ...)
more ...)
(begin (load filename) ...
(program more ...)))
((program (code stuff ...)
more ...)
(begin stuff ...
(program more ...)))
((program (feature-cond clauses ...)
more ...)
(begin (cond-expand clauses ...)
(program more ...)))))
(I left out the READER-SYNTAX clause because I agree with Will
Clinger that it should be discussed separately.)
-Richard Kelsey