Re: SRFI-1: suggestion for addition: LDIFF
sperber@xxxxxx 06 Jan 1999 17:30 UTC
>>>>> "Will" == Will Fitzgerald <> writes:
Will> May I suggest the following addition to the SRFI-1 list library, Common Lisp's
Will> LDIFF:
Will> I think a reasonable definition is:
Will> (define (ldiff l subl)
Will> (cond
Will> ((null? l) '())
Will> ((eq? (cdr l) subl) (list (car l)))
Will> (else (cons (car l)
Will> (ldiff (cdr l) subl)))))
Reasonable. Only, LDIFF is a terrible name. Why not LIST-DIFFERENCE?
(From CltL2: 'ldiff (meaning "list difference" [...]'. I wonder why
the CL folks never say what they mean.)
Could you suggest possible uses for this procedure?
Cheers =8-} Mike
Friede, Völkerverständigung und überhaupt blabla