Typo in reference implementation of ANY
erik hilsdale 07 Jan 1999 17:28 UTC
While we're on the subject...
There's a typo in the last line of the reference implementation of
ANY (in http://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-1/srfi-1-reference.scm). Here's
the fixed version:
(define (any pred lis1 . lists)
(if (pair? lists)
;; N-ary case
(and (%all-pairs? lists) (pair? lis1)
(let lp ((heads (cons (car lis1) (%cars lists)))
(tails (cons (cdr lis1) (%cdrs lists))))
(if (%all-pairs? tails)
(or (apply pred heads) (lp (%cars tails) (%cdrs tails)))
(apply pred heads)))) ; Tail-call the last PRED call.
;; Fast path
(and (pair? lis1)
(let lp ((list lis1)) ; LIST is a pair.
(let ((head (car list))
(tail (cdr list)))
(if (pair? tail)
(or (pred head) (lp tail))
(pred head)))))))