Improper lists [Was: SRFI-1 round 3 discussion]
sperber@xxxxxx 29 Jun 1999 07:35 UTC
>>>>> "Sergei" == Sergei Egorov <> writes:
Sergei> I think that the whole idea of "robustness" (meaning don't break under
Sergei> any circumstances) is not in a Scheme tradition: after all these years
Sergei> spent trying to convince programmers that (car '()) is an error,
Sergei> we are back to (length "abc") => 0. Since "improper list" is synonymous
Sergei> to "any object" (anything or a pair = anything), we will end up with a
Sergei> list library that accepts (and often produces) nonsensical data.
I agree with Sergei.
Cheers =8-} Mike
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