final issue -- partial examination of dotted lists shivers@xxxxxx (15 Jul 1999 03:44 UTC)
Re: final issue -- partial examination of dotted lists sperber@xxxxxx (15 Jul 1999 07:29 UTC)
Re: final issue -- partial examination of dotted lists Lars Thomas Hansen (15 Jul 1999 12:22 UTC)

Re: final issue -- partial examination of dotted lists sperber@xxxxxx 15 Jul 1999 07:29 UTC

>>>>> "Olin" == shivers  <> writes:

Olin> People appear to be all over the map on this one. My votes so far:
Olin>     Choice 1 (allowed): Hukriede
Olin>     Choice 2 (never legal): Shriram, Bawden, Egorov
Olin>     Choice 3 (illegal/unspecified): Felleisen, Shivers
Olin> (At least, this is my understanding Matthias' opinion, based on some
Olin> discussion with him.)

Add me to Choice 3.

Cheers =8-} Mike
Friede, Völkerverständigung und überhaupt blabla