SRFI-10 Error reporting: update request
oleg@xxxxxx 09 Dec 1999 20:55 UTC
I'd like to remove the phrase
An implementation is however encouraged to treat an erroneous or
unrecognizable <hash-comma-datum> as a compound datum (<datum>
<datum>*) -- that is, pretend that the "#,(" token was a "("
token. This means that the read function shifts the burden of dealing
with an erroneous #,() form to its caller.
from the "Specification" section of the draft SRFI-10. As Richard
Kelsey rightfully pointed out this phrase is sorely out of place. It
appears in a specification section of what essentially is a
meta-SRFI. The latter establishes a notational convention, leaving
interpretation to an implementation. Micro-managing error behavior in
this generic context is indeed rather inappropriate.