Is there any reason that you want to stick to the term
"immutable", even saying "immutable is not literally
If you're just writing your own library it may not really
matter; only the users of the library need to understand
the local meaning of the term.
Being a srfi, however, means that somebody else in the
Scheme community may be going to follow the document and
implement it. And you're asking them to use a term in
a way the term doesn't literally mean. I guess there
must be a strong reason to do so, but I can't imagine any.
>From: ChurlSoo Joo <>
Subject: Re: initial comments
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 2009 15:50:34 +0900
> How about making a note on the corresponding <specification>, like this?
> The mutable fields can be modified, whereas any attempt to modify the values
> of the immutable fields via mutators signals an error.
> Note: The immutable fields are not literally immutable. Their values, for
> instance, can be modified by other fields whose values work as a
> kind of
> private methods.
> 2009/9/17, Donovan Kolbly <>:
> >
> > On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 1:36 PM, Robby Findler
> > <> wrote:
> > > I'm not sure if this is what's being asked, but I too think of
> > > "immutable" as "cannot change" (which is in line with the English
> > > meaning of the word).
> > >
> > > Robby
> >
> > I'll third or fourth that motion. "immutable" carries a very
> > different semantic that will lead to nothing but confusion if used in
> > the way being proposed in this SRFI.
> >
> > RScheme's object system has a concept of immutable slots exactly for
> > the reason someone mentioned earlier -- it's advise to the compiler
> > that the value will not change, and hence the value can be cached and
> > it's known that calls through an unknown function will not change it
> > either. (IIRC, this idea was taken directly from Dylan)
> >
> > --
> > -- Donovan
> >
> --
> Joo