First I thought it is just as easy as re-exporting equal? from (srfi :101), but the (rnrs base)'s equal? returns #f
for two 'kons' instances created by different invocation of constructors, so it seems that I need to reimplement equal? after all.
I'm not familiar with R6RS, so before proceeding I'd like to ask wisdom for R6RS experts: Is there a cliche to implement or extend equal? over record types?

On Thu, Apr 2, 2020 at 1:08 PM Arthur A. Gleckler <> wrote:
Hi, Shiro.  David hasn't responded, but would you be interested in contributing a change to the sample implementation?

Thanks for reporting this.

On Mon, Mar 2, 2020 at 3:13 PM Arthur A. Gleckler <> wrote:
Hi, David.  Would you mind replying to Shiro's question below about SRFI 101?


On Thu, Jan 9, 2020 at 2:49 PM Shiro Kawai <> wrote:
I noticed that equal? is defined in the srfi document but not in the reference implementation.  Presumably, it expects R6RS equal? to work on the record types used in the reference implementation, but shouldn't it also reexport equal?