Re: Cleaning up SRFI 105 MUSTard (mostly)
Per Bothner 29 Sep 2012 20:57 UTC
On 09/29/2012 01:42 PM, David A. Wheeler wrote:
> But if I understand your concern correctly, it sounds like you're arguing that bold+caps is too strong. That's plausible enough. I worry that <small> is too uncontrolled, no telling what it will do. I can't predict what future browsers will do with <small>, even if every browser today made me happy.
If we're talking about styling, most SRFIs using the standard SRFI
start out all wrong: The big <h1> title is the content-less word "Title"
the actual title is in a much smaller font. I think this is a flaw in the
SRFI requirements, but it can alleviated with some CSS styling. For
example like I did in .
For what it's worth, instead of:
something like this would make more semantic sense:
<h1 id="title">Curly-infix-expressions</h1>
but the SRFI process doesn't allow that.
--Per Bothner